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December 2020 nesto-meter Report

Home / Digital Mortgage Industry Research: nesto-meter / December 2020 nesto-meter report

December 14th 2020 – presented by: Chase Belair, Co-Founder and Principal Broker at nesto

You can download the report below for easy browsing!

Key takeaways

  • With only 2 best rate changes in the whole month, mortgage rates seem to have gained in stability.
  • For the first time since nesto’s inception, our best fixed rate was lower than our best variable, by .01%
  • In November, refinances remained popular
  • After remaining stable for months, both the targeted purchase price and the planned down payment dropped significantly in November
  • In Quebec, a lot more of our users are now “just looking” instead of “ready to buy”
  • Buyers are pre-approved for a bit less than they can actually afford as a result of calculating property taxes at default values based on a % of the property value as property value increases greatly outpace municipal tax updates.

Click below to download our December report!