Lifestyle #Home Buying

10 Places to Find Free Boxes for Your Next Move

10 Places to Find Free Boxes for Your Next Move
Written by
  • Christine Beaudoin
| Feb 4, 2021
Reviewed, Jun 9, 2023

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    Moving to a new home can be an exciting adventure, but it can also be stressful and expensive. That’s why it’s helpful to cut costs anywhere you can, which includes finding free boxes in good condition. Why pay for new boxes if you can get them for free in your local community? We’ve included 10 great places you can search for free moving boxes. So, start at the top and work your way down the list until you have enough boxes for your move – and happy packing!

    Key Takeaways

    • Free moving boxes are available throughout your community if you know where to look. Start at the top of our list and work your way down until you have enough boxes for your move
    • Once you’re finished unpacking at your new home, consider offering up your gently used boxes to someone else
    • Online sites are a great way to not only find free items, but to also donate items you no longer need but still have life left

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    Where to find free moving boxes

    Friends & Neighbours 

    Do you know anyone who has recently moved? Check in with friends and family to see if they know anyone who would be willing to set boxes aside for you after their move. And, if you have a lot of time leading up to your move, be sure to get friends and family on the lookout for free boxes for you to use.

    Tip: In addition to saving money, reusing moving boxes is a great way to help ensure fewer boxes are placed out for recycling before their lifespan is up.


    Find your local Craigslist website and search under the Free section to see if anyone is giving away free moving boxes. You can also use the Wanted section to post that you’re looking for free moving boxes. Many people who are giving away their moving boxes will look here before posting in another section. Finally, you can also use the Craigslist search box to find free moving boxes.


    Find your local Kijiji website and search under the Free Stuff section, which is also broken down into categories, to see if anyone is giving away free moving boxes. You can also use the Kijiji search box to find free moving boxes.


    Find your local Freecycle website and search under the Offers section to see if anyone is giving away free moving boxes. You can also post under the Wanted section that you’re looking for free moving boxes.

    Facebook Community Groups

    Your local community likely has several Facebook groups available for you to join. This also includes “Buy Nothing” groups, where you can ask if anyone has moving boxes you can have or even just borrow.

    Tip: You’ll have better luck finding free moving boxes on local community sites near the end of the weekend/beginning of the week since weekends are when most people take the time to unpack or clean out old boxes.

    While you’re packing, it’s a great idea to set aside items you can donate to online forums in your local community as well in order to give back and prevent usable items from ending up as landfill.

    U-Haul Box Exchange

    In an effort to reduce waste, U-Haul helps its customers sell, give away or find boxes and moving supplies. You can search by keyword and location to connect with other customers looking to give away boxes and other moving supplies or to return the favour once your move is complete.

    Grocery Stores

    Check in with your local grocery stores to see if they have certain days they put out boxes for customers to use or if they can set aside certain sized boxes for you.

    Liquor Stores

    The next time you’re making a purchase at your local liquor store(s), ask if they have certain days they put out boxes for customers to use or if they can set aside certain sized boxes for you.

    Retail Shops

    Ask the managers/workers at your regular stores in strip plazas or malls to see if they have certain days they put out boxes for customers to use or if they can set aside certain sized boxes for you.


    Get your kids to check in with their teacher/principal to see if the school accepts deliveries on certain days and could set aside boxes for your move. You can also do the same with all local schools in your area.

    Final Thoughts

    So there you have it! 10 great places to find free moving boxes for your upcoming moves. Of course, there are many other places where you might be able to snag some freebies – keep your eyes peeled whenever you’re out and about in your community.

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